商品編號: | 26730 | |
商品名稱: | 3dmotive C Sharp For Unity Vol.1 - Vol.3 遊戲開發工具教學 英文版 | |
語系版本: | 繁體中文 | |
運行平台: | Windows | |
特價商品: | 否 | |
更新日期: | 2019-01-02 | |
光碟片數: | 1片 | |
銷售價格: | $200元 | |
熱門標籤: |
HoneRiSO Apps
軟體名稱: 3dmotive C Sharp For Unity Vol.1 - Vol.3
語系版本: 英文版
光碟片數: 單片裝(單面 DVD)
保護種類: 無保護
破解說明: 無
系統支援: 適用所有支援播放 MP4(MPEG4) 影片的作業系統
硬體需求: 適用所有支援播放 MP4(MPEG4) 影片的作業系統
軟體類型: 遊戲開發工具教學
更新日期: 2013.08.22
軟體發行: 3dmotive(k.EISO)
官方網站: https://www.3dmotive.com/f109401
中文網站: 無
軟體簡介: (以官方網站為準)
由 3dmotive 公司推出的遊戲開發工具教學 C Sharp For Unity
Alan Thorn
232 分鐘
Vol.1-02-Creating a C# script file
Vol.1-03-Compiling and the Console window
Vol.1-04-Creating a Hello World Application
Vol.1-05-Introducing Variables
Vol.1-06-Writing Expression with Variables
Vol.1-09-Conditional Statements and If
Vol.1-10-For Loop
Vol.1-11-While Loop
Vol.1-12-Functions Introduction
Vol.1-13-Events Introduction
Vol.1-14-Functions with Arguements and Return
Vol.1-15-Classes Introduction
Vol.1-16-Rotating Objects with the Transform Class
Vol.1-17-Unity Class Documentation
Vol.1-18-Derived Classes Introduction
Vol.1-19-Extending a Class
Vol.2-02-Coroutine Details
Vol.2-03-Creating a Coroutine
Vol.2-04-WaitForSeconds and Coroutines
Vol.2-05-Coroutines and Frame Delays
Vol.2-06-Going further with Coroutines
Vol.2-07-Components and Communication
Vol.2-08-Accessing Components
Vol.2-09-Searching for Components
Vol.2-10-Using BroadcastMessage
Vol.2-11-Polymorphism and Virtual Functions
Vol.2-12-Overriding Virtual Functions
Vol.2-13-Validation with C# Properties
Vol.2-15-Moving Further with Delegates
Vol.2-17-Searching for GameObjects
Vol.2-18-Transforms and Hierarchies
Vol.2-19-Transforms and Tranlations
Vol.2-20-Transforms and Rotations
Vol.2-21-Transforms and Scaling
Vol.3-02-Fixing Game Resolution From the
Vol.3-03-Fixing Game Resolution From
Vol.3-04-Saving and Restoring Game
Vol.3-05-Editing Materials From
Vol.3-06-Creating Component
Vol.3-07-Scheduling Regular
Vol.3-08-Creating Animation
Vol.3-09-Preparing to Work with
Vol.3-10-Animating Motion with
Vol.3-11-Notifcations and
Vol.3-12-Making NotificationsManager a Singleton
Vol.3-13-Using NET Dictionaries to Record
Vol.3-14-Adding Listener
Vol.3-15-Posting Notifications
Vol.3-16-Moving Further